
The BOARD OF TRUSTEES and OFFICERS of the Corporation govern ICEC. The Board of Trustees is the highest authority of the corporation with the responsibility of overseeing the corporation affairs and ensuring the operations of the corporation are in line with its purpose.

The Board of Trustees consists of seven permanent members who act as members of Board of Trustees in perpetuity:

The board of Trustees shall fill any vacancy, resulted from resignation or removal of a board member, from among the nominees, who will be nominated from among those who have shown adherence to the Corporation’s purpose and its goals through years of active support of the Corporation. Selection of the person to fill the vacated position will be by a majority vote of the then Board of Trustees to a term of 3 years with no limitation on the number of terms the person may be elected to serve. The elected board member may become a permanent member of the Board of Trustees upon the completion of one full term and the unanimous consent of all then serving permanent members.

The Board of Trustees, in its discretion, appoints executive officers as it deems appropriate for the execution of the Center’s programs. Members of Board of Trustees are eligible to serve as executive officers, if they are so appointed by the Board. The Board of Trustees may establish one or more Advisory Boards.

Click ICEC-Amended Bylaws -May15-2015 to view the full text of Governance (Bylaws).